
back Katharina Krösl

Senior Researcher

Katharina Krösl was a researcher at VRVis from 2013 to 2023. She was coordinator of the Immersive Analytics Area and senior researcher in the Multiple Senses Group at VRVis. Katharina Krösl is a founding member of the Austria Section of the IEEE Women in Engineering. Katharina Krösl's research work has been in the media several times ("Barrierefrei in virtueller Realität" in Der Standard, "Wenn Fluchtwegschilder zur Falle werden" in Die Presse). Furthermore, the researcher received both the Young Experts Award at the Austrian Computer Science Day 2021 and an Honorable Mention of the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Outstanding Dissertation Award at IEEE VR 2022 for her dissertation. For her research work, Katharina Krösl received the Futurezone Woman in Tech Award 2022 and the Liese Prokop Women's Award 2022, she was also nominated for the Hedy Lamarr award 2023.

Research Group

Portraitfoto von Katharina Krösl

