
Faces of Visual Computing

Meet the smart and driven researchers of VRVis in our column "A day in the life of a researcher".

We are

We are a COMET center and our team consists of 70 motivated people who are passionate about technology and research. As experts in the fields of Visual Computing as well as Virtual and Augmented Reality, we present data, connections and questions in the best possible visual and interactive form. Because those who see understand.

Furthermore, we are a great team – at work and beyond! You can find more information about our corporate culture as well as about work and career opportunities at VRVis on our Jobs|Career page. Insights into our daily work can be found on our Social Wall or in our column "From the life of a researcher", where we introduce you to the smart and driven researchers of VRVis.

We do

Image of an illustration of the objectives of the VRVis through a circuit model.

We turn data into information and images: This ranges from digital twins and computer vision to data science and virtual reality – to name just a few examples. Visual Computing is not limited to fixed industrial sectors but offers answers and solutions for different challenges in different markets. Images are a universal means of communication: They are understandable and accessible.

We build bridges

On display is a circle centered on the human being; various technologies such as artificial intelligence, visualization or extended reality are applied in a human-centric manner with the help of visual computing.

We see it as our mission to build a bridge between science and business. Our team is working to strengthen the innovative power of mainly domestic companies and to advance technology. We are familiar with the language, the market and the needs of companies from a wide range of industries, and can thus serve as translators between research and industry. Visual Computing is the key technology for developing human-centered applications for dealing with our data-driven reality.

According to the needs of our customers, we let the pictures speak differently, for example in interactive presentations or flexibly combinable visualizations. From the research prototype to the implementation in the company's software framework, we offer solutions for all requirements. Our services range from consulting, research and feasibility studies to application-oriented research and development to customer-specific solutions. In addition, we offer support in the selection of a suitable funding instrument, the application process as well as in reporting.

Our history

Multiple circles of VRVis success statistics: over 840 scientific publications, 70 international awards, and 29 patents.

Since its foundation as part of the "K plus" funding program in 2000, VRVis Forschungs-GmbH has established itself as an internationally recognized and Austria's leading institution for application-oriented research in the field of visual computing. Since 2010, our research company has been a K1 center within the COMET program, which forms one of the largest research clusters in Europe in the field of computer graphics in cooperation with the TU Vienna, the TU Graz and the University of Vienna, and is an active partner of the research initiatives of the federal government and the City of Vienna.

Our annual report informs about the successes and projects of VRVis in the past year.

Insights from our everyday research life are offered on our social media channels.