

3D Annotations for Geospatial Decision Support Systems

communication medium

Proceedings of CESCG 2018: The 22nd Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics


In virtual 3D environments, it is easy to lose orientation while navigating or changing the view with zooming and panning operations. In the real world, annotated maps are an established tool to orient oneself in large and un- known environments. The use of annotations and land- marks in traditional maps can also be transferred to vir- tual environments. But occlusions by three-dimensional structures have to be taken into account as well as perfor- mance considerations for an interactive real-time applica- tion. Furthermore, annotations should be discreetly inte- grated into the existing 3D environment and not distract the viewer’s attention from more important features. In this paper, we present an implementation of automatic an- notations based on open data to improve the spatial orien- tation in the highly interactive and dynamic decision sup- port system Visdom. We distinguish between line and area labels for object-specific labeling, which facilitates a direct association of the labels with their corresponding objects or regions. The final algorithm provides clearly visible and easily readable annotations with continuous levels of detail integrated into an interactive real-time application.

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